Community - outstretched arms holding a heart figure in open hands


At Future, being a responsible business is just as much about the work we do outside of the office as that we do inside. Our community pillar focuses on how we deliver social impact in local areas around our office locations, and the part we play in championing a safer internet.
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Fake news & misinformation

We change people’s lives through sharing our knowledge and expertise with others, making it fun and easy for them to do what they want. We want to play our part in encouraging positive change in the industry. We're focused on using our voice and reach to lead conversations on the future of the internet, championing a safer internet and inspiring our audiences to help their community and the planet.
We will not tolerate misinformation or fake news. We have a responsibility to create the internet we want and to keep audiences of all ages safe.
We will take an active role in the ‘future of the internet’ debate, including commissioning thought-leadership and research


Aligning our strategy to the UN'S Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)